UFO, an innovative mounting tool for art professionals that ensures precision, stabilitiy, and effortless flexibility for all framed artworks.
Why should I
use UFO?
From the drilling of holes to the actual attachment of the frames, everything plays a crucial part and demands due care and attention to achieve the perfect result. Nevertheless a small margin of error usually persists and potentially interferes with the delicate alignment of art frames.
Alexander drew on his own practical experience and common sense, as well as his willingness to take feedback from others to heart in creating UFO: the tool that enables and simplifies the perfect placement of art frames. UFO offers extra wiggle room for amateurs and professionel exhibitors alike, and is durable as well as reusable.
UFO® is a registered trademark. Its design being reminiscent of that of a flying saucer, we slightly altered the common abbreviation to ‘Unidentified Framed Object’. ‘Unidentified’ refers to its mysterious design which only reveals its secrets when observing the placement of the art frame, ‘Framed’ refers to UFO® staying within the framework it supports, while ‘Object’ speaks for itself.
• You don't have to invest any time or energy in providing the suspension yourself.
• Each suspension is guaranteed to be stable and precise.
• They are nicely packaged and come with a clear manual.
• If a customer has specific preferences, the UFO® can be customized accordingly.
• The simple flowchart allows you to immediately know which UFO to provide to the end customer.
• You don't have to invest any time or energy in searching for the right suspension.
• Each suspension is guaranteed to be stable and precise.
• The system is universal and can be adapted for any type of frame.
• A sustainable choice because it is reusable.
• Sell it together with your artwork, and the end customer is assured of a perfect suspension.
• The preparation for hanging requires less effort. It is easy to adjust artworks.
• Each suspension is guaranteed to be stable and precise.
• A sustainable choice because it is reusable.
• The preparation for hanging requires less effort. It is easy to adjust artworks.
• There is an option to attach a security feature to the system.
• Great flexibility in hanging: level or optically correct.
• Sell it together with your artwork, and the end customer is assured of a perfect suspension.
• Each suspension is guaranteed to be stable and precise.
• A sustainable choice because it is reusable.
• The preparation for hanging requires less effort. It is easy to adjust artworks.
• There is an option to attach a security feature to the system.
• Great flexibility in hanging: level or optically correct.
• Takes up little space (or weight) during transport.
What our clients say about UFO.
"Very convenient, setting up an exhibition goes very smoothly with this system. Hanging a series of works at the same height is effortless too!"
Kevin Vanwonterghem — Artist
"Thank you, Alex! With the provided clear manual, the UFO hanging system can be fast and easily installed. A perfect sustainable system for hanging art frames perfectly level and easily adjustable if necessary. Excellent!"
Aykan Umut — Visual Artist
(c) Aykan Umut